Cause I'm not worth it
No, you can’t cut in front of me in line. You know why? Because you’re not worth it. And neither am I. I know you’ve seen the L’Oreal ads, I have too, but that slogan isn’t true beyond treating yourself to cosmetics. In relationships, you don’t deserve treating people worse than you would like to be treated by them. So unless you now and then think that I deserve cutting in front of you, take your place in line. Behind me.
In The Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Haidt says our constant striving for high (and often undeserved and artificial) self-esteem makes us all think we’re entitled to special treatment by our fellow humans. This inevitably makes us feel offended by the slightest infractions, and accordingly – unhappy.
I don’t know about you, but I blame L’Oreal.