Saturday, April 28, 2007

Is it just me ...

... or is it getting harder and harder to both be informed AND have an opinion on global warming?

Seems the more opposing views I try to take in, the more confused I get. It was much easier to just follow conventional wisdom. “Yes, you're right, Katrina was a horrible storm - the planet must be heating up.” But 2006 had no landfall hurricanes at all in the US, even though “experts” predicted ever-worsening storm years. Nobody mentions this.

And maybe Katrina hurt more people because more people today insist on living near the Gulf coast? Who knows if storms are getting more violent in Antarctica. There's nobody there to care.

Finally, can polar bears swim or not? Al Gore says they can't; Chris Horner says they can. Any experts out there who can weigh in? Not with a link to a thesis, please. A yes or no will do.

Eat this

This is Lukas and I having a go at the newspaper. He eats, I read.

OK, this is embarrassing

It has been so long since my last confession on this blog, that I'm just going to erase my old crap and start over again. This time I will post every day. No, really, I promise.

I just learned yesterday that blogs are for keeping a diary for yourself, not for letting others know what you've been up to.

Sounds good, so here goes - the rebirth of my blog under a new name: Do not eat this blog. Enjoy, ignore or whatever.

The picture, by the way, is my favorite of my boy Lukas.