Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My carbon footprint

I was just made aware of the existence of an organization called 10:1o. Their idea is that we should all reduce our carbon footprint by 10 percent during 2010. Great idea, simple to grasp and easy for raising awareness.

In the interest of full disclosure, here is where I am at in these four areas:
Electricity: Hard to measure, but I have plenty of natural light in my apartment and so don’t need to keep that many lightbulbs burning. The computer runs all day, but I turn it off whenever I go into town.
Fuel: I use the stove to heat lunch and an espresso. That’s it.
Road transport: I don’t own a car, but have taken my motorcycle to a few interviews and business trips. The rest have been subway and bus trips.
Air travel: During my first year, I took five individual flights for business.

Not that this system is in any way tailored to my circumstances as a work-at-home independent writer, but since I like this type of collective action, I will still try to do my part. That means taking the train instead of flying, insulating the windows ahead of winter. Must think of more.
How about you?


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