Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Wednesday’s guest blogger: Kerry Le Clair

Keeping it fresh and funky

While I was hurtling through the north Toronto airspace at 124 km/hour on Thursday, strapped into the Behemoth, Canada’s tallest and fastest rollercoaster, I had a thought. Somewhere between the safety of the ground and 70 metres up, I decided that comfort zones are for douchebags. Not only should we stray freely and often from our comfort zones, we should just stop having them altogether. What is a full life if not, at least in some part, a series of uncomfortable experiences? How else do we figure out who we are, what we like, whom we’ll tolerate and how far we can be pushed? Drudgery and routine are anathema to the creative soul.

And so I vowed (to myself and the amusement park gods) that I will keep it fresh and funky and greet each day with a wide-open mind. New discoveries abound for the willing. To wit – somewhat – this quote from Walter Benjamin: “To walk out your front door as if you’ve just arrived from a foreign country; to discover the world in which you already live; to begin the day as if you’ve just gotten off the boat from Singapore and have never seen your own doormat or the people on the landing ... it is this that reveals the humanity before you, unknown until now.”


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