Monday, August 24, 2009

Smack my Finnish dude up

In a bizarre news item last week, a Finnish crime study reported that nine percent of young male respondents had at some point been beaten or kicked by their partner. Only two percent of young women reported the same maltreatment.

Naturally, I have some follow-up questions: Has the percentage of beaten women gone down, or is it the male figure that has risen? Is there any reason to believe Finnish women have grown more violent lately? If so, why?

And what are the figures for Sweden? Sure, I’ve been slapped in the face by women, but those incidents have decreased over the years, not increased.

Risto, can you help me out here?


At 9:59 PM, Anonymous R said...

Well, Finnish girls are tough. I remember how my best friend got beat up by the tough chicks in the class back in the good ole 1980s.

Finland is a tough, hard place. In fact, from now on, you can say that you're stuck between a rock and Finland.


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