Sissy culture
In the days of yore, it was a male virtue to not show pain to your opponent in war. “Verily, your sword has cut an inch-deep gash in my chest, Sir, but it will take more than that to slow me down.”
In sports, which is the modern parallel to warfare, this code lives on in certain sports. Most notably rugby but also hockey, football (American), the martial arts (not surprisingly) and others.
In soccer, though, there seems to be no shame at all in rolling around on the grass, screaming and writhing in agony. Then pleading to mommy the referee to punish the bully who gave you a booboo.
For me, this is embarrassing. And what are we teaching our children – to cry like sissies as soon as something doesn’t go your way? What happened to taking one for the team and playing through the pain?
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