Thursday, August 09, 2012


I just learned a hideous new abbreviation: BPO, which stands for, in this case, “built-in planned obsolescence”.
Taste it. Companies plan for their products to become obsolete. And the sooner, the better. Engineers who design and build the products we buy have long since stopped trying to improve quality. Their current challenge is instead to design stuff that breaks after just so long. All for the sake of forcing us to continuously replace everything we own, at shorter and shorter intervals. You may have noticed this if you, for example, still have some gear from the 80’s. It’s friggin’ unbreakable, and there was a time when everything was unbreakable.
Not any more. Today, companies could make excellent quality but prefer to make stuff that breaks. On purpose! In the process, they waste energy, resources, and – most importantly – our money! Then they have the audacity to brag about their “impressive growth figures”. There should be an International Economic Criminal Court for these people. The IECC. An abbreviation I could get behind.


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