Friday, August 03, 2012

Klas working the market

I know businesses are in the business of doing business, but do they have to dip their willies absolutely everywhere?
In today’s Svenska Dagbladet, local Bombardier CEO Klas Wåhlberg (pictured) makes what he tries to pass off as a comment on the debate of Sweden’s delayed trains. In reality, however, it is just another pitch to sell more stuff.
This requires a bit of torturing. Remember, the problem is delayed trains, and Klas says that he and other suppliers must do their share to help them arrive on time. But when he gives examples of what he has in mind, it’s stuff such as this:
• A “power by the hour” scheme for selling operating hours
• Environmental design
• Safety
• Ergonomics
• Acoustics
In other words, nothing that helps trains arrive on time. However, and not surprisingly, it’s just the kind of stuff that helps Bombardier sell more trains.
Why take up debate space in a serious newspaper with this, Klas? Can’t you just buy an ad like everybody else?


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