Open you e-mails, Sarah!

Dear Mrs Palin,I thought it was a nice enough letter, but I haven’t heard back. She’ probably real busy.
I’m finishing up listening to “Going Rogue” on audiobook and just wanted to let you know how it has changed my opinion of you favorably. In Sweden the press was pro-Obama to the point of idolatry during the election. I supported him, too, but I also believe in respecting other points of view and walking a mile in my opponent’s shoes. “Argue as if you are right, listen as if you were wrong,” as someone said.
Throughout your book I found myself agreeing with many of your views, and realizing that the world wouldn’t have turned evil if you and Senator McCain had won the election. I still disagree with most Republican standpoints, but I have a feeling you’re okay with that. True defenders of personal liberties and freedom of opinion wouldn’t want it any other way.
Most importantly, I can see that you are a good person and didn’t deserve the bad treatment you got. Simply listening to your audiobook seems to be mildly offensive to some of my friends, which gives me a chance to ask what’s wrong with trying to understand another person’s worldview. Nobody ever has a good answer.
What I’m trying to say is thanks for writing the book and all the best to you and your family in 2010!
Henrik Harr
Stockholm, Sweden
Other people I haven’t heard back from either: crown princess Victoria of Sweden, queen Rania of Jordan and marathon nerd Dean Karnazes.
Very nice of you to not put quotation marks around "writing the book".
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