Friday, March 06, 2009

Pakistan has the bomb!

Cricketers should never have to be shot at, but what worries me even more about recent events in Pakistan is that the country is a nuclear power (that’s nuculer for you Republicans). Having any state fall into the hands of medieval clergy is a bad enough. If it happens to a state with thermonuclear weaponry, we should all stop being happy and start worrying.

The Pakistani government now allows the use of sharia law in the Swat valley (apparently a tourist destination, as far as those go in Pakistan). So I guess we will soon be seeing public stonings and lashings in town squares on Friday afternoon. Mainly of kids for the crime of dancing or humming U2. And all approved by the government.

I used to be only worried about Iran getting their hands on nuclear weapons, but Pakistan provides a far more scary, and seemingly more likely, nightmare.


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