Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daniel What’s-his-face

Am I the only person in the country who couldn’t care less that Sweden’s crown princess Victoria got engaged? People kept asking me yesterday if I had heard “the big news”. I thought something important had happened. Turned out it was just a man and a woman promising to get hitched.

Maybe it’s true love. Maybe they float each others boats. Maybe the sex is great. Good for them. But exactly why is this cause for celebration for the rest of us?

Don’t get me wrong - I’m not a raving republican. I think royalty is cute in a Hans Christian Andersen kind of way. And the royal family runs the errands of Swedish business very well, which keeps people employed and happy and alive. Taxpayer money well spent.

What I don’t understand is this pandering to royal blood, as if there were such a thing. Haven’t we come farther? Now that we have finally woken up from the nightmare of religion, why do we keep worshiping royalty?

Big news? It’s more relevant to my life if I run out of milk.


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