Friday, January 22, 2010

“Is there a proofreader in the house?”

A few years ago, the idea of becoming a fireman entered my mind. I was 41 at the time, so I didn’t even come close to being accepted to Fireman Academy, even though they said sure, they needed overaged flyweights. Should have known that was a lie.
Anyway, I think this idea came from a natural human desire to contribute to society. The pinnacle of that pursuit must surely be to pull a child from a burning house. It has to be right up there with curing cancer or eradicating the religious impulse. Just being able to answer “Yes” when somebody screams “Is there a doctor in the house?” must be a great feeling.
Instead of becoming a fireman, I became a freelance journalist, on and off engaging in the rewarding and enjoyable work of proofreading. Seriously, though, has anyone ever screamed “Is there a proofreader in the house?”


At 10:27 AM, Anonymous R said...

No. But they should have! Every time a painter leaves a note about wet paint, whenever a shop person scribbles something about going to lunch, or the general public has to be informed of the fact that the mall doors won't work, they should yell for a proof reader.

Whenever a cat goes missing and bulletins need to go up, ask for a proofreader. Where there's a risk of snow falling from the roof, have a professional double check your sign.


I am tired of having to be on a lookout for wet pant.

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to proofread your own post. There's a typo in the last sentence.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Henrik Harr said...

Well spotted. All fixed now.


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