Wednesday, March 18, 2009


A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog entry here bemoaning the fact that no beleaguered companies use their websites to put their own side of the story out there. I’m not claiming credit, but now AMF Pension is doing exactly that.

AMF Pension is a Swedish company that makes beautiful TV commercials about pension savings. The films are versions on the idea of meeting your future self. Sadly, the top brass at the company seems to be of rotten moral fiber. Recently, one (at least) vice president, a man named Ingvar Skeberg, came forward and admitted to moving his private pension savings in the company ahead of some financial news that is now hurting regular Joes and Janes.

CEO Ingrid Bonde promptly fired Skeberg and put the company’s self-flagellating version of the story on the index page of their website. Two swift and decisive moves.

Now I’m hoping Bonde will turn the torch on the rest of her team. And make sure Skeberg was a one-off greedy jerk. Keep ’em crossed!


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