Monday, February 02, 2009

“Daddy, no!”

I know we’re supposed to trash Armageddon, but I saw it at a memorable time in my life, in an amazing theater with a great friend, so I have fond memories. Mainly, though, I like it for that scene towards the end where Bruce Willis says goodbye to Liv Tyler when he knows he is going to die. It’s one of the few scenes in movie history that makes me choke up, and I know I’m not the only one. Who wants to confess first?

So I guess what I’m trying to say is – do we have to trash stuff (or love stuff) whole-heartedly, or can we admit there are magic gray areas? Someone said ignorant people prefer to see things in black and white, but the wise can see nuances. So can we give Bush credit for anything good? And can we allow Obama to be bad, uninformed or just confused now and then?


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